Another massive six figure contest brings with it another equally massive selection dilemma – do you fade Grundy or sell the farm to get him in?

This is going to be an absolute cracker of a fantasy contest with a host of legitimate options in every position allowing coaches to take players at great ownerships.
Two of the big questions though will center around taking the big Collingwood ruckman Grundy, and also the young rookie for the Magpies in Quaynor.
For me, it’s a big no and a bigger yes!
Here is my team you can consider using, or building around, for tonight’s Hawns v Pies $100,000+ contest.
James Worpel ($13,040): If you can afford him then pick him, because few forwards (i’d argue no forwards) in this contest can walk into a 95+ aside from Worpel who is going from strength to strength in 2019. Season-high 9 tackles last week.
Connor Nash ($5,820): Nash is very likely to be underowned given Lewis is just above him with a much safer average and Hanrahan is below him by $400+. A 9pt effort two starts back makes Nash’s average look way worse than it is for this price tag, and if he puts a 4-5 tackle game together with a 10 disposal game we will be laughing.
Tom Scully ($9,980): MCG, fine weather, fast game – Scully all day long. The last two weeks were not Scully games, assess on two starts back when he cracked the ton. Hopefully he last two efforts keep his ownership south of 20%.
Liam Shiels ($14,390): We’re going for a full-blown Hawks midfield stack here so Shiels is very much integral to that. Tackles, finds the footy, pushes forward and kicks goals, gets cheap ones – he is everything you want and more. Not many teams will have him, JOM and Worpel in them so hopefully they all stat up together.
Brayden Sier ($10,220): Sier got concussed last week so hopefully he is fine, we are assuming he is because he’s been named. No Greenwood nor Varcoe does put the onus back on the likes of Sier to really ratched up their tackle pressure and i just feel that anyone looking at his box scores will look elsewhere which makes me really like him.
Jaeger O’Meara ($14,590): Gun. Will dominate tonight. Possibly gets a Pendlebury run-with but it won’t be a hard tag which means O’Meara will be able to roam around finding the footy at will. Coming off a 10 tackle, 37 disposal game you’d think Buckley will put time into him but without a recognised tagger it’s hard to see Jeager not going well here.
Jack Crisp ($13,630): Like Worpel in the forward line, paying up for Crisp is something few will be able to do with so much midfield cream on offer and Brodie Grundy soaking up salary. I expect Crisp to play a big role tonight helping out young Quaynor so taking both of them makes sense to me. Like him for three figures and he is the kind of player who can junk a 130+ on his day and really smash a slate.
Isaac Quaynor ($5,600): This kid finds the footy. he averaged 17 disposals in his 16 Tac Cup / U18 Champs games and he tackles as well. Lock him in for a value game.
Ben McEvoy ($12,580): Big boy is playing his 200th, solo rucking against the best in the business – he will absolutely love this challenge and I expect him to rise to it with a big 100+ score tonight. At 5k less than Grundy, McEvoy just needs to not get flogged to make the selection a good one.
Kick = 3 points
Mark = 3 points
Handball = 2 points
Goal = 6 points
Behind = 1 point
Tackle = 4 points
Free Kick For = 1 point
Free Kick Against = -3 points
Hitout = 1 point